The thing that makes this world wide web a web at all is the spread of internet links leading from site to site. Here are some that I consider to be worth looking at.

The Onion. America's finest news source.
Hixon Forest Nature Center. A very cool midwest nature center in La Crosse, WI.
The Bubblesphere. Everything you ever wanted to know about bubbles.
Don't Spread that Hoax! Don't spread that important email warning until you see this site.
George Goble. How to light a barbecue in 3 seconds. Very funny.
WWF. Not the World Wrestling Federation. The other WWF.
The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project. The scientific scoop on that sweet dessert.
HTML Goodies. A great place to learn the basics of HTML. Space news and events and interesting chat.
Earth and Moon Viewer. A very cool little site that lets you see the world.
Space Telescope Science Institute. The place for the best Hubble images.
Solar Views. A great place for info on our solar system.
3D satellite tracking. A very cool site that tracks the artificial satellites of our planet. The official site for that great saga.
Utopia. An online strategy game for people around the world.
MapQuest. Find a map or directions to practically anywhere in the U.S. Affordable site and domain hosting. They're pretty darn good.
The Rail The Rail. A unique way of getting around the web.