Calendar: Springdawn

The first month of the year, and the first month of the spring season. The first night of Springdawn will see both of the moons of Aenea rise full and bright.



Andra's Unfolding

Day of Asis' Glory
2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
23 24 25 26 27 28

Argenta, the larger silvery moon, full every 28 days
Verda, the smaller green moon, full every 21 days

Andra's Unfolding

On the first day of each year, the priests of Andra celebrate the beginning of spring, and the start of the yearly cycle of life. This is the most holy of days for the druids, and is spent in prayer and communion with nature.

During this entire day, no druid will be found within sight of a town, village, or city. If possible, a druid will avoid travel or conflict on this day.

Day of Asis' Glory

This is the most holy of days for the priests of Asis. It is a time of celebrating the birth of a new year and the start of the cycle of life. During this day, all of Asis' priests and priestesses celebrate the birth and fertility of all life. Children are blessed and marriages performed in great numbers. It is considered lucky to be born or conceived on this day.