Currency of Aenea

Thousands of years ago, when the elves were the most powerful of societies, trading flourished throughout the lands. A single standard currency was developed to help facilitate even more trading. When the elven powers declined and human (and other races') nations grew, the standard coinage remained in use. Cities with enough wealth and metals are now the only places where new coins are minted. Strong tradition keeps the coins similar to what has always been used.

Coins often have the name of the nation where it was minted on one side, along with a profile of the ruler or other distinctive appearance. The other side always holds a certain design, depending on its material (and value).

Copper     has some type of lantern on it, hence the term “lanterns”
Silver     has a star design, hence the name “stars”
Gold     has a dragon image, hence “dragons”
Platinum     has an image of the two moons, hence the name “moons”

Like many worlds, land and possessions are often used for bartering purposes. Bartering is more often used by people in rural villages, while coins are accepted almost everywhere.

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