The Goldfang Tribe

The Goldfangs are the most powerful, dangerous, and evil of the orc tribes that have conquered the western lands. They rule over all of the other orcs in the region and are the most brutal of all of the orcish masters.

Each orc of the Goldfang tribe has at least one of their tusks replaced by one crafted from gold. Nobody outside of the Goldfang tribe is allowed to have a gold tooth visible. This gold tusk acts as a status symbol, a warning to others, and upon the orc's death, a final act of destruction. The golden tusk is an enchanted object that explodes in a ball of fire very soon after the death of the orc it is a part of.

Anyone meeting a Goldfang orc is expected to be subserviant and respectful toward that orc. Even ogres are known to immediately bow before a member of the Goldfang tribe. To disobey these rules means possible torture or even death.

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