Aenean History and Information

The world of Aenea has existed for many millions of years. It and its family of celestial objects were born of the creative efforts of the entire pantheon of gods and goddesses (who themselves were created by Asis and Zolaras, twin goddesses of life and death). The elemental deities (Aquar, Conflagral, Terris, and Typhis) created the planets, while Asis and Andra (goddess of nature) blessed the worlds with life. Prizimal lit the darkness of the void with his creation of the sun, moons, and stars. The other deities followed in weaving their own influences throughout the main world of Aenea.

Since its creation, Aenea has provided a home to countless lives and activities. Civilizations rose and fell and rose again. Magical creatures appears and spread their influences over the mortal races. Ideas, new and old, shaped the world as it now stands. Scholars are constantly learning more about the past and present of Aenea...some of their findings are found here.

Following the links listed on this page will lead to information regarding both past and present events and conditions surrounding the world of Aenea. Much of this information could prove valuable to Players, so enjoy!

Aenean CalendarA very simple and structured calendar marking the passage of time and seasons.
Aenean TimelineA timeline of important events.
Currency of the LandsHow the coin of the realms came to be.
Spelljammer InformationInformation concerning the crystal sphere of Aeneaspace and how the world is affected by spelljamming.
The Orc WarsSome background on the first and second Orc Wars and the Empire of Blood.
The GoldfangsGenerally known information about a powerful tribe of orcs.

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